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The Howard Volunteer Fire Department is committed firmly to our mission no matter the circumstances we face. Our mission is to suppress fires, train and equip local residents as volunteer firefighters, to educate the public in fire safety, to assist the local ambulance service, to provide a variety of community support when requested, and provide mutual aid with local fire districts and BLM/USFS.  We are 100% volunteer driven and rely on 100% community donations to operate. 

HVFD Board of Directors 2021


Dan Ogden, Chief


Dan Thompson, Secretary


Lexi Gillespie, Treasurer

History of HVFD

THE HOWARD VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT was formed in 1962 by a small group of Howard residents. Harold Willoughby and Denzel Goodwin were listed on the  charter.
The first "fire truck" was a pick-up truck. In the years that followed we were loaned a Forestry Service truck from the state.Then in the summer of 1994, on our own we acquired our 1949 4X4 fire truck. After putting a newer larger engine in it, the "Red Truck" (as it was called) became the flagship of our fleet. We now have several more "modern" trucks, but the Red Truck holds a special place in our hearts and it now sits at Station 1.  Our first firehouse was the Willoughby dugout on Co Rd 45 & Co Rd 4. It is still used for storage.

Our Stout Creek Firehouse is older than our Red Truck by almost 50 years. It was erected in 1904. The school district used it for school bus storage, but when they no longer had use for it they leased it to the HVFD. With help from our volunteers, we put in a new floor and ceiling on the inside of the building. We have attempted to keep the exterior as original as possible. Since the overhead door was already installed, we were able to use it as a firehouse. We still keep two trucks in the Stout Creek Firehouse.


In March of 2004 the new station was dedicated along Hi Way 50.  The new Howard Volunteer Fire Station / Community Center is 7500 square foot facility, funded entirely by residents and friends of this community, now houses seven response vehicles and the two AVA ambulances. About 3,000 square feet of office, kitchen, restrooms, storage, and meeting space is located on  two floors at one end of the building. . The number of volunteers and the work they've contributed is incredible. To make this possible we had major work and/or material contributions from businesses and individuals almost on a daily basis.

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Congratulations Chief Ogden! (Left to right) Mike Steward, Former Secretary - Dan Ogden, Sr., Chief - Julie Bates, Treasurer


The HVFD received monies through the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Assistance to Firefighters grant (FEMA) to purchase necessary equipment, protective gear, and training. Rick Haley, Ray Maxwell, Marshall Nichols and Mike Steward, who headed up the entire project and procured many donated materials. The volunteers built open lockers at the rear of the firehouse across part of the back and side walls to house the firemen's protective gear.

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©2022 Howard Volunteer Fire Department

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